Mom Life

Time Flies When You Have a Kid

Everyone always says how their kids grew up in the blind of an eye, but nothing prepares you for when it’s your baby!! For moms, pregnancy seems to be the last event that feels like time drags. You try to enjoy the 9 months but also wish it would speed up. Next thing you know, your baby is here and poof 2 years has flown by! It’s like you try to soak in every minute, but the time just seems to fly by. Before having kids, a year felt like an eternity, not anymore!

Today is the perfect day to post this because my baby (he will ALWAYS be my baby!) turned 2 yesterday!! I honestly don’t even know how this is possible. I can remember the day I found out I was pregnant like it was just yesterday. It doesn’t even feel real that the tiny human I created is already a toddler. He surprises me everyday with the new things he learns. I look back at the last two years and it brings a tear to my eye.

Thanks to Time-hop and Facebook memories, I was able to look through all the pictures from the past two years. It’s crazy that two years ago I was in a hospital room, learning to take care of a helpless newborn. Last year on his birthday, we had a Mickey themed pool party and my son had fun splashing in the pool and eating pizza and cake. Yesterday was definitely a lot more fun for him. He may not have really appreciated his mama’s effort to pull off an amazing “Taco TWOsday” theme, but he was able to run around and play with his cousins. He seemed to understand that it was a special day for him. (It could have been because I allowed Mac and Cheese for breakfast and cake right after nap). I loved seeing the joy in his eyes all day.

I know that he can’t stay little forever, but I wish the time that he is could slow down. I want to be able to enjoy all the small things with him before he gets older and wants to be with his friends. (It’s already kind of started with his new Buzz and Woody). Right now, I am the one he runs to when he wakes up or if he needs help and I want to etch those moments into my brain. There is so many times that I am just so tired after work and watch him play instead of playing with him but now I am seeing that I cannot waste those moments. The moments when he grabs my finger and brings me to his room and tells me to sit, those are the moments I need to enjoy and be present.

Time flies when you have a kid, but the moments you have are amazing.

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Hi! I’m Nicole. I am a mom to a crazy toddler and a kindergarten teacher. Welcome to my blog where I discuss mom life, teacher life, and life in general!

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