Mom Life

  • Mom Life

    Lip and Tongue Tie

    Becoming a parent is hard enough without extra stresses with your baby’s health. You rely on the pediatrician to steer you in the right direction.  It’s rough when you keep doing all you can just to be told it’s not good enough. All you keep thinking is that you are failing at the most important job you’ve ever had. My son was born via C-section, weighing in at 8 pounds 3 ounces and 21.5 inches long. He was the cutest little chunk ever. I felt defeated that I was unable to birth my son without drugs (back labor is no joke!) and then was told I couldn’t do a vaginal…

  • Life in General,  Mom Life,  Teacher Life

    Summer Break!

    I have submitted my final assignments for my two summer classes and now it is time to relax and enjoy summer break. Summer break is a lot different with a toddler. My first few summers as a teacher I enjoyed binge watching shows, sleeping in late, soaking up the sun, and planning for the next school year. This summer I wake up with my son, binge watch Disney movies, and entertain my little crazy man. (I finally started the new season of The Handmaid’s Tale! Before my son, I would have been waiting for the new episode every week!) This week was difficult because it was my last week of…

  • Life in General,  Mom Life

    Marriage After a Baby

    Everyone always says how after they had a baby, they fell even more in love with their husband. Now either they have a husband that has been around babies their whole life OR they are the biggest liars I have ever met in my life! Now don’t take this the wrong way, but after having my son, there were more days than not that I wanted to strangle my husband. First of all, his nipples are useless!! During those LONG nights of nursing I would get so frustrated with sleeping beauty on the couch! (I made him sleep on the couch because I couldn’t fall back asleep with his loud…

  • Mom Life

    I Could Never Repay My Village

    In the two years that my son has been on this earth, I already owe my family my next born child for all they have done for us.  I know they say it takes a village to raise a child and boy am I happy with the one I have.  They have helped make my transition into motherhood a lot less stressful.  I am so grateful for all that they have done and continue to do for my son and me.  I honestly could never repay them. From my son’s first day on this Earth, I knew he was set for life.  My first night in the hospital as a…

  • Mom Life

    Time Flies When You Have a Kid

    Everyone always says how their kids grew up in the blind of an eye, but nothing prepares you for when it’s your baby!! For moms, pregnancy seems to be the last event that feels like time drags. You try to enjoy the 9 months but also wish it would speed up. Next thing you know, your baby is here and poof 2 years has flown by! It’s like you try to soak in every minute, but the time just seems to fly by. Before having kids, a year felt like an eternity, not anymore! Today is the perfect day to post this because my baby (he will ALWAYS be my…

  • Mom Life

    I found my tribe in an online mom group!

    When you think about online mom groups, what comes to mind? Is it the “hot topic” posts that have a drama filled comment section? How about those sarcastic answers to new mom questions? I’ll admit, I am in a few facebook mom groups just for those popcorn worthy posts, but there is one group that I hold near and dear to my heart. I have been a member of this group since I found out I was pregnant with my son. As soon as I got my BFP, I began downloading ALL of the new mom apps. (I also had to start researching what all the abbreviations meant. BFP= BIG…

  • Mom Life

    Just because this is what I wanted, doesn’t make it less hard!

    Ever since I was a little girl, all I’ve ever wanted to be was a mom. I can’t even tell you how many baby dolls I accumulated in my childhood. From the age of 12 until the summer after freshman year, I spent many of those weekend nights and summers babysitting. If there was a baby around, you better believe I was holding them. A good amount of my friends had kids a lot earlier than me. Even though I didn’t have a child yet, I would still go to kid events when invited. To me, it didn’t bother me that hanging out with my friends turned into trips to…