Life in General

30 Year Crisis

I am turning 30 in June and have come to the realization that I may be having a “30 year crisis”. (Is that even a thing?) In the past year, I have started to pick up on a lot of new hobbies. (Yes, this blog is one of them BUT I have always loved to write, so writing isn’t really a new one.) Out of all my new hobbies, I haven’t really stuck to any of them. I started things while I was on maternity leave, thinking that it would be fun and maybe I could make some extra money. Well that didn’t work too well. Let me take you on a journey through the numerous hobbies I have tried in the last year.

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Hobby #1: Cricut

Some of the shirts I’ve made.

Ok so I didn’t actually buy my Cricut because of my crisis but it was my first hobby. I had bought it so I could make some things for my wedding. At that point, I had no clue what I was doing. The first time I made a shirt was for my pregnancy announcement. This was something I knew I wanted to learn how to do better. I made a few using my iron and realized I just HAD to get myself a professional heat press. I justified it by setting up an Etsy account. I started to really get into making things while I was taking the year off to be with my son. I also started making things for my classroom. Still, making shirts was something I enjoyed. No one really bought much until I went back to work. (Go figure, now that I didn’t have a bunch of time.) Once people started buying them, I realized that it took the joy out of it. I was starting to stress about making sure I made the shirts in a timely fashion, I had to make them even when I was tired and would rather go to sleep. I ended up telling people that I was retiring from the shirt business unless they didn’t care when they got them. I didn’t want to suck the joy out of something I loved. So, while the extra money was nice, I realized I rather just make things for myself and maybe family and friends when I fell like it.

Hobby #2: Crocheting

This one lasted MAYBE a month. I had learned how to crochet a chain from my grandma when I was younger. I thought that maybe this would be relaxing for me and something fun to put my mind to. The first thing I wanted to make was a hat for my son. Let me tell you, crocheting is A LOT harder than it looks! I could make a long chain, no problem, but going onto the next was like rocket science to me. I may try and learn it again one day but it was more stressful than relaxing to me at the time.

Hobby #3: Hand Lettering

I use any opportunity to practice!

I still am trying to learn this because it is really enjoyable. I started this in September and was really into it, practicing EVERY night till about January. I thought this would be really good for me since I love to doodle but really have no skills. I bought a few books off Amazon and try to practice once in a while. I do plan to commit more to it once summer is here. I want to be able to make pretty anchor charts for my classroom! Click on the pictures below to see the books I’ve been using!

Hobby #4: Making Teaching Resources

My students LOVE this simple sight word mat I made to use with our hashtag blocks!

I’m not sure if this is really a hobby but since it is something new to me, I am going to include it. I have found a love for making pretty and fun activities for my students. Right now it is mostly sight word activities. I think I have found a love for making things on the computer. It took some time to really figure it out but I’m glad I didn’t stop. Bonus: my students seem to like the activities too!

Hobby #5: Blogging

As I said before, writing isn’t really a new hobby for me but blogging is. I am really enjoying putting my thoughts out there. (Even if it is only to my friends and family at the moment). I really want to write about things that will help people feel like they are not alone in situations. I want to be able to connect with new people and broaden my circle.

I’m now trying to focus on doing things that make me happy and trying not to force a new hobby on myself. A lot of people tell me that their 30’s were their favorite, so I’m hoping that once it hits, I’ll feel the same. I may just be freaking out because I have had 4 major goals for myself my whole life (graduate from college, get married, own a house, and be a mom) and have reached them all. I am trying to find something else to reach for and I guess I just need to go with the flow.

Hi! I’m Nicole. I am a mom to a crazy toddler and a kindergarten teacher. Welcome to my blog where I discuss mom life, teacher life, and life in general!


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